by Charles D. Laughlin

[Updated May 1999]

The Pre- and Perinatal Anthropology Archives bibliography covers the cross-cultural psychology and anthropology of reproduction, gestation, birth and early infancy among humans and primates.   This is a much neglected area of study, and it is hoped that making these resources available with further the developmental focus in anthropology.  Please send any additional references you may have to Charlie for inclusion in future versions of this bibliography.


Aberle, D.F. The Psychosocial Analysis of a Hopi Life-History. Personalities and Cultures: Readings in Psychological Anthropology, (ed.) Robert Hunt. Garden City, New York: The Natural History Press, 1967.

Adriani, N. and Kruyt, A.C. The Bare'e-speaking Toradja of Central Celebes. Vol. I. Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandssche Witgivers Maatshappi, 1951.

Ainsworth, M.D.S. (1977). Attachment theory and its utility in cross-cultural research. In P.H. Leiderman, S.R. Tulkin and A. Rosenfeld (Eds.). Culture and infancy: Variations in the human experience. New York: Academic Press.

Ainsworth, M.D.S. Infancy in Uganda: Infant Care and the Growth of Love. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967a.

Ainsworth, M.D.S. Patterns of Infantile Attachment to Mother. Behavior in Infancy and Early Childhood, (eds.) Yvonne Brackbill and George G. Thompson. New York: The Free Press, 1967b.

Ainsworth, M.D.S. et al. Patterns of Attachment. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Ainsworth, M.D.S., Bell, S.M. and Stayton, D. Individual Differences in the Development of Some Attachment Behaviors. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 18: 123-144, 1972.

Amighi, J.K. (1990). Some thoughts on the cross-cultural study of maternal warmth and detachment. Pre- and Peri-Natal Psychology Journal 5(2), 131-146.

Austerlitz, R. Gilyak Nursery Words. Word 12: 260-279, 1956.

Ayres, B. Effects of Infant Carrying Practices on Rhythm in Music. Ethos, Vol. 1(4): 387-404, 1973.

Ayres, B. Pregnancy Magic: A Study of Food Taboos and Sex Avoidances. Cross-Cultural Approaches: Readings in Comparative Research, (ed.) Clelland S. Ford. New Haven: H.R.A.F. Press, 1967.

Ayres, B.C. (1954). A cross-cultural study of factors relating to pregnancy taboos. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University.

Balikci, A. Female Infanticide on the Arctic Coast. Man (N.S.) 2: 615-625, 1967.

Ball, Helen L. and Catherine M. Hill (1996) "Reevaluating ‘Twin Infanticide'." Current Anthropology 37(5):856-863.

Barraud, C. (1990) "Kei Society and the Person." Ethos 55(3-4):214-231.

Barry, H. and Paxson, L.M. (1971). Infancy and early childhood: Cross-cultural codes 2. Ethnology 10, 466-508.

Barry, H. and Paxson, L.M. Infancy and Early Childhood: Cross-Cultural Codes 2. Ethnology 10: 466-508, 1971.

Barry, H., Bacon, M.K. and Child, I.L. (1957). A cross-cultural survey of some sex differences in socialization. Journal aof Abnormal and Social Psychology 55, 327-332.

Barry, H., Child, I.L. and Bacon, M.K. (1959). Relation of child training to subsistence economy. American Anthropologist 61, 51-63.

Battaglia, D. (1985) "We Feed Our Fathers": Paternal Nurture Among the Sabari of Papua New Guinea. American Ethnologist 12:427-441.

Bavin, E.L. (1995) "Language Acquisition in Crosslinguistic Perspective." Annual Review of Anthropology 24:373-296. [includes infant communication]

Beals, A.R. Gopalpur A South Indian Village. New York: Holt, Rinehart And Winston, 1962.

Beidelman, T.O. The Kaguru: A Matrilineal People of East Africa. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

Blackwood, B. Both Sides of Buka Passage: An Ethnographic Study of Social, Sexual and Economic Questions in the North-Western Solomon Islands. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1935.

Blake, J. and B. de Boysson-Bardies, Patterns in Babbling: A Cross-Linguistic Study. Journal of Child Language 19:51-74, 1992.

Bleek, W. "Did the Akan Resort to Abortion in Pre-Colonial Ghana? Some Conjectures." Africa 60(1):121-131, 1990.

Blount, B.G. (1990). Parental speech and language acquisition: An anthropological perspective. Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal 4(4), 319-337.

Blount, B.G. Aspects of Luo Socialization. Language In Society 1: 235-248, 1972.

Blount, B.G. Culture and the Language of Socialization: Parental Speech. Cultural Perspectives on Child Development, (eds.) Daniel A. Wagner and Harold W. Stevenson. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1982.

Blount, B.G. Ethnography and Caretaker-Child Interaction. Talking to Children, (eds.) C.E. Snow and C.A. Ferguson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Blount, B.G. Parental Speech and Language Acquisition. Anthropological Linguistics 14:119-130, 1972.

Blount, B.G. Socialization and Pre-Linguistic Development Among the Luo of Kenya. Sounthwestern Journal of Anthropology 27:41-50, 1971.

Blurton Jones, N. (ed.) Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour, London: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

Blurton Jones, N.G. (1972). Comparative aspects of mother-child contact. In N.G. Blurton Jones (Ed.). Ethological studies of child behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boas, F. The Central Eskimo. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1964.

Bolton, R. (1978). Child-holding patterns. Current Anthropology 19(1), 134-135.

Boody, Janice. Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990.

Bourguignon, E. and Greenbaum, L.S. (1973). Diversity and homogeneity in world societies. New Haven: Human Relationsh Area Files Press.

Bourguignon, E. Psychological Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Nature and Cultural Differences. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979.

Bowlby, J. Attachment and Loss. Vol. 1: Attachment. London: Hogarth, 1969.

Braunwald, S.R. Mother-Child Communication: The Function of Maternal-Language Input. Word 27:28-50, 1975.

Brazelton, T.B. The Early Mother-Infant Adjustment. Pediatrics 32: 931, 1963.

Brazleton, T.B. Implications of Infant Development among the Mayan Indians of Mexico. Culture and Infancy: Variations in the Human Experience, ed. By P.H. Leiderman, S.R. Tulkin & A. Rosenfeld. New York: Academic Press, pp. 151-188, 1977.

Brazelton, T.B. Evidence of Communication During Neonatal Behavioral Assessment. Before Speech, (ed.) M. Bullowa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

Brazelton, T.B. and Freedman, D.G. The Cambridge Neonatal Scales. Normal and Abnormal Development of Brain and Behavior, (ed.) J.J. van der Werf. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 1971.

Brazelton, T.B., Koslowski, B. and Tronic, E. Neonatal Behavior Among Urban Zambians and Americans. Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development, (eds.) S. Chess and A. Thomas. New York: Brunner and Mazel Pub., 1977.

Brewis, Alexandra, Jennifer Laycock and Judith Huntsman (1996) "Birth Non-Seasonality on the Pacific Equator." Current Anthropology 37(5):842-851.

Brittain, A.W. (1992). Birth spacing and child mortality in a Caribbean population. Human biology 64(2), 223-241.

Broude, G.J. (1988). Rethinking the couvade: Cross-cultural evidence. American Anthropologist 90, 902-911.

Broude, G.J. (1989). A reply to Munroe and Munroe on the couvade. American Anthropologist 91, 735-738.

Broude, G.J. and Greene, S.J. (1983). Cross-cultural codes on husband-wife relationships. Ethnology 22(3), 263-280.

Brown, J.K. (1970). A note on the division of labor. American Anthropologist 72, 1073-1078.

Brown, J.K. Socialization: A Brief Review of Directions of Research. Socialization and Communication in Primacy Groups, (ed.) Thomas R. Williams. Chicago: Aldine, 1975.

Browner, C.H. (1983) Male Pregnancy Symptoms in Urban Columbia. American Ethnologist 10:494-510.

Bullowa, M. Before Speech: The Beginning of Interpersonal Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

Bullowa, M., Fidelholtz, J.L. and Kessler, A.R. Infant Vocalization: Communication Before Speech. in Socialization and Communication in Primary Groups, (ed.) T.R. Williams. The Hague: Mouton, 1975.

Bynon, J. The Derivational Processes Relating Berber Nursery Words to Their Counterparts in Normal Inter-Adult Speech. Talking to Children (eds.) C.E. Snow and C.A. Ferguson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Calvin, W.H. (1983). The throwing madonna: Essays on the brain. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Capitanio, J.P., Weissberg, M. and Reite, M. (1985). Biology of maternal behavior: Recent findings and implications. In M. Reite and T. Field (Eds.). The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. New York: Academic Press.

Casagrande, J.B. Comanche Baby Language. International Journal of American Linguistics 14: 11-14, 1948.

Caudill, W., Tiny Dramas: Vocal Communication Between Mother and Infant in Japanese and American Families. Transcultural Research in Mental Health, ed. By W. Lebra. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1972.

Caudill, W. and L. Frost, A Comparison of Maternal Care and Infant Behavior in Japanese-American, American and Japanese Families. Influences on Human Development, ed. By U. Bronfenbrenner & J.A. Mahoney. Hinsdale, IL: Dryden.

Caudill, W. and S. Weinstein, Maternal Care and Infant Behavior in Japan and America. Psychiatry 32:12-43, 1969.

Chagnon, N.A., M.V. Flinn and T.F. Melancon, Sex-Ratio Variation among the Yanomamo Indians. In N.A. Chagnon and W. Irons (Eds.). Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective. North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press, 1979.

Chalmers, B. Black Women's Birth Experiences: Changing Traditions. J. of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 6:211-224, 1987.

Chalmers, B. Changing Childbirth Customs. The Institute for the Study of Man in Africa booklet no. 41, August 1987.

Chalmers, B. Changing Views Regarding Some Delivery Customs Among Pedi Women. S. Afr. Med. J. 72:137-140, 1987.

Chalmers, B. Knowledge about Pregnancy, Birth and the Postpartum Period amongst Pedi Women. J. of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7:51-61, 1987.

Chalmers, B., O.J. Ransome and A. Herman. Psychosocial Factors Related to Infant Feeding Patterns. J. of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 5:153-164, 1987.

Chalmers, B. Pregnancy: The Pedi Woman's Veil of Secrecy. S. African J. Psychol. 17(1):30-31, 1987.

Chalmers, B. Social Support in Pregnancy and the Puerperium amongst Pedi Women. J. of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7:63-70, 1987.

Chalmers, B. Urban-Rural Differences Regarding Pedi Childbirth Experiences. J. of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7:131-139, 1987.

Chisholm, J.S. Development and Adaptation in Infancy. New Directions For Child Development: Anthropological Perspectives on Child Development, (eds.) Charles M. Super and Sara Harkness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 1980.

Chisholm, J.S. Evolution and Pregnancy: A Biosocial View of Prenatal Influences. in The Role of Culture in DEvelopmental Disorder, (ed.) C.M. Super. New York: Academic Press, 1987.

Chisholm, J.S. Navajo Infancy: An Ethological Study of Child Development. New York: Aldine Pub. Co., 1983.

Chisholm, J.S. Residence Patterns and the Environment of Mother-Infant Interaction Among the Navajo. Culture And Early Interactions, (eds.) T. M. Field, A. M. Sostek, P. Vietze, and P. H. Leiderman. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1981.

Chodorow, N. Family Structure and Feminine Personality. Women, Culture, and Society, (eds.) M.Z. Rosaldo and L. Lamphere. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1974.

Clarke, A.M. and Clarke, A.D.B. Early Experience: Myth and Evidence. New York: Free Press, 1976.

Clebert, J.-P. The Gypsies, (trans.) Charles Duff. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1967.

Coe, Christopher L. Psychobiology of Maternal Behavior in Nonhuman Primates. Mammalian Parenting, ed. By Norman A. Krasnegor and Robert S. Bridges. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 157-183, 1990.

Cole, M. et al. The Cultural Context of Learning and Thinking. New York: Basic Books, 1971.

Cowlishaw, G. Infanticide in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania 68(4):262-283, 1978.

Cosminsky, S. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Midwifery. Medical Anthropology, (ed.) S. Tax. The Hague: Mouton, 1977.

Cosminsky, S. Midwifery and Medical Anthropology. Modern Medicine and Medical Anthropology in the United States-Mexican Border Population, (ed.) B. Velunerovic. El Paso: Panamerican Health Organization, 1978.

Crawford, J.M. Cocopa Baby Talk. International Journal of American Linguistics 36: 9-13, 1970.

Crawford, J.M. More on Cocopa Baby Talk. International Journal of American Linguistics 44(1): 17-23, 1978.

Cronk, L. (1989). Low socioeconomic status and female-biased parental investment: The Mukogodo example. American Anthropologist 91, 414-429.

Curran, H.V. Nigerian Children: Developmental Perspectives. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.

Daniel, E.V. Fluid Signs: Being a Person the Tamil Way. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. [Chapter 4 only]

Dasen, P.R. (ed.) Piagetian Psychology: Cross-Cultural Contributions. New York: Gardner Press, 1977.

Dasen, P.R. and Heron, A. Cross-Cultural Tests of Piaget's Theory. Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Volume 4, (eds.) Harry C. Triandis and Alastair Heron. Boston: Allyn And Bacon, Inc., 1981.

David, H.P. (ed.) Abortion Research: International Experience. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1974.

David, H.P., et al. (eds) Born Unwanted: Developmental Effects of Denied Abortion. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1988.

Davis-Floyd, R.E. (1990). The role of obstetrical rituals in the resolution of cultural anomaly. Pre- and Peri-Natal Psychology Journal 4(3), 193-211, 5(1), 23-39.

Davis-Floyd, R.E. (1992) Birth as an American Rite of Passage. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Dawson, W.R. The Custom of the Couvade. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1929.

Dawson, W.W. (1929). The custom of the couvade. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

de Boysson-Bardies, B., Sagart, L., and Durand, C. Discernable Differences in the Babbling of Infants According to Target Language. Journal of Child Language 11: 1-15, 1984.

Dennis, W. The Hopi Child. New York: Arno Press and The New York Times, 1972.

Denton, R.K. The Semai: A Nonviolent People of Malaya. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

Dettwyler, K.A. (1986). Infant feeding in Mali, West Africa: Variations in belief and practice. Social Science and Medicine 23(7), 651-664.

Dettwyler, K.A. (1989). Styles of infant feeding: Parental/caretaker control of food consumption in young children. American Anthropologist 91, 696-703.

Dettwyler, K.A. (1994). Dancing Skeletons: Life and Death in West Africa. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.

Devereux, G. A Study of Abortion in Primitive Societies (Revised Edition). New York: The Sulian Press, Inc., 1976.

Devereux, G. A Typological Study of Abortion in 350 Primitive, Ancient, and Pre-Industrial Societies. Abortion in America, (ed.) H. Rosen. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.

Devereux, G. Mohave Voice and Speech Mannerisms. Language in Culture and Society, (ed.) D. Hymes. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

Dickeman, M. (1975). Demographic consequences of infanticide in man. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 6, 100-132.

Dienske, H. and W. van Vreeswijk. Regulation of Nursing in Chimpanzees. Developmental Psychobiology 20(1): 71-83, 1987.

Dil, A. Bengali Baby Talk. Word 27: 11-27, 1975.

Divale, W.T. "Ibo Population Control: The Ecology of Warfare and Social Organization." California Anthropologist 1:10-24. 1971.

Divale, W.T. and M. Harris, "Population, Warfare, and the Male Supremacist Complex." American Anthropologist 78:521-538, 1976.

Dixon, S., Tronick, E., Keefer, C., and Brazelton, T.B. Mother-Infant Interaction Among the Gusii of Kenya. Culture And Early Interactions, (eds.) T. M. Field, A. M. Sostek, P. Vietze, and P. H. Leiderman. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1981.

Donaldson, P.J., D.J. Nichols, and E.H. Choe, Abortion and Contraception in the Korean Fertility Transition. Population Studies 36(2):227-235, 1982.

Douglas, M. Population Control in Primitive Groups. British Journal of Sociology 17: 263-273, 1966.

Dozier, E.P. The Kalinga of Northern Luzon, Philippines. New York: Holt, Rinehart And Winston, 1967.

Du Bois, C. Some Anthropological Perspectives on Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Review 24: 246-273, 1937.

Du Bois, C. The People Of Alor. Minnesota, Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1944.

Dunbar, R.I.M. (1988) Primate Social Systems. London: Croom Helm [Chap. 9 on rearing strategies, Chap. 10 on infanticide].

Dunning, R. W. Social And Economic Change Among The Northern Ojibwa. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1959.

Edgerton, R.B. Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychological Anthropology: One Paradigm or Two? Reviews in Anthropology, Vol. 1(1): 52-65, 1974.

Eimas, P.D. and J.L. Miller, A Constraint on the Discrimination of Speech by Young Infants. Language and Speech 34(3):251-263, 1991.

Eliade, M. Rites and Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth, (trans.) W. R. Trask. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1965.

Ellison, P.T. (1994) "Advances in Human Reproductive Ecology." Annual Review of Anthropology 23:255-275.

Elmendorf, W. W. The Structure of Twana Culture. Research Studies (Monograph Supplement No. 2). Washington State University, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1960.

Engelmann, G.J. Labor Among Primitive Peoples: Showing the Development of the Obstetric Science of Today, From the Natural and Instinctive Customs of All Races, Civilized and Savage, Past and Present. New York: AMS Press, 1977.

Fantel, A.G. Prenatal Selection. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 21: 215-222, 1978.

Ferguson, C.A. Arabic Baby Talk. For Roman Jakobson, (ed.) M. Halle. The Hague: Mouton, 1956.

Ferguson, C.A. Baby Talk As a Simplified Register. Talking to Children, (eds.) C.E. Snow and C.A. Ferguson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Field, T. (1985). Attachment as psychobiological attunement: Being on the same wavelength. In M. Reite and T. Field (Eds.). The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. New York: Academic Press.

Field, T.M. et al. Culture and Early Interactions. Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1981.

Firth, R. We, The Tikopia. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1961.

Flannery, R. Infancy and Childhood Among the Indians of the East Coast of James Bay. Anthropos 57: 475-482, 1962.

Fletcher, A. and la Flesche, F. (1911). The Omaha tribe. Bureau of American Ethnography, Annual report 27 (Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970).

Fletcher, A. and La Flesche, F. The Omaha Tribe. Bureau of American Ethnography, Annual Report 27, Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corp., 1970.

Fock, N. (1967). South American birth customs in theory and practice. In C.S. Ford (Ed.). Cross-cultural approaches. New Haven, CT: HRAF Press.

Fock, N. South American Birth Customs in Theory and Practice. Cross-Cultural Approaches: Readings in Comparative Research, (ed.) Clelland S. Ford. New Haven: H.R.A.F. Press, 1967.

Ford, C.S. A Comparative Study of Human Reproduction. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, 32. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945.

Ford, C.S. Cross-Cultural Approaches. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1967.

Ford, C.S. Field Guide to the Study of Human Reproduction. New Haven: H.R.A.F. Press, 1964.

Fortes, M. The Web Of Kinship Among The Tallensi. London: International African Institute, Oxford University Press, 1949.

Fox, L.K. (ed.) East African Childhood: Three Versions. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.

Freedman, D.G. and DeBoer, M.M. Biological and Cultural Differences in Early Child Development. Annual Review of Anthropology 8: 579-600, 1979.

Freedman, D.G. Human Sociobiology: A Holistic Approach. New York: Free Press, 1979.

Freeman, M.M.R., "A Social and Ecologic Analysis of Systematic Female Infanticide Among the Netsilik Eskimo." American Anthropologist 73:1011-1018, 1971.

Fried, M.N. and Fried, M.H. Transitions: Four Rituals In Eight Cultures. New York: Penguin Books, 1980.

Galdikas, B.M.F. and J.W. Wood (1990) "Birth Spacing Patterns in Humans and Apes." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83:185-191.

Geber, M. and Dean, R.F.A. Gesell Tests on African Children. Pediatrics 6: 1055-1065, 1957a.

Geber, M. and Dean, R.F.A. Precocious Development of Newborn African Infants. Behavior in Infancy and Early Childhood, (eds.) Yvonne Brackbill and George G. Thompson. New York: The Free Press, 1967.

Geber, M. and Dean, R.F.A. The State of Development of Newborn African Children. Lancet 1: 1216-1219, 1957b.

Gelles, Richard J., "What To Learn From Cross-Cultural and Historical Research on Child Abuse and Neglect: An Overview." in Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions, Ed. by R.J. Gelles and J.B. Lancaster. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1987.

Gelles, Richard J. and Jane B. Lancaster, Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1987.

Gideon, H. A Baby Is Born in the Pubjab. American Anthropologist 64: 1220-1234, 1962.

Gilandi, A. (1990). Some observations on infanticide in medieval Muslim society. International Journal of Middle East Studies 22(2), 185-200.

Gillin, J. Moche, A Peruvian Coastal Community. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, Institution of Social Anthropology, Publication No. 3, 1945.

Ginsburg, F. and R. Rapp. The Politics of Reproduction. Annual Review of Anthropology 20:311-343, 1991.

Goldman, I. The Cubeo: Indians Of The Northwest Amazon. Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois Press, 1963.

Goldman, L.R. Ethnographic Interpretation of Parent-Child Discourse in Huli. Journal of Child Language 14: 447-466, 1987.

Goodale, J.C. Tiwi Wives. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971.

Goodman, A.H. and G.J. Armelagos. Childhood Stress and Decreased Longevity in a Prehistoric Population. American Anthropologist 90:936-944, 1988.

Goody, J. Production and Reproduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Granqvist, H. Birth and Childhood Among the Arabs: Studies in a Muhammadan Village in Palestine. Hekingfors: Soderstrom, 1947.

Granzberg, G. Twin Infanticide -- A Cross-Cultural Test of a Materialistic Explanation. Ethos 1(4): 406-412, 1973.

Gray, B.M. Enga Birth, Maturation and Survival: Physiological Characteristics of the Life Cycle in the New Guinea Highlands. Ethnography of Fertility and Birth, (ed.) Carol P. MacCormack. London: Academic Press, 1982.

Guilkey, D.K., Popkin B.M., Flieger, W. and Akin, J.S. (1990). Changes in breast-feeding in the Philippines. Social Science and Medicine 31(12):1365-1375.

Haddon, A.C. Birth and Childhood Customs and Limitations of Children. Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits, Vol. 6, p. 106, 1908.

Handwerker, W.P. ed. Births and Power: The Politics of Reproduction. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Handwerker, W.P. (1983). The first demographic transition: An analysis of subsistence choices and reproductive consequences. American Anthropologist 85, 5-27.

Handwerker, W.P. ed., Culture and Reproduction: An Anthropological Critique of Demographic Transition Theory. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1986.

Harkness, S. (1980). The cultural context of child development. In C.M. Super and S. Harkness (Eds.). Anthropological perspectives on child development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Harkness, S. and Kilbride, P.L. Introduction: The Socialization of Affect. Ethos 11(4): 215-220, 1983.

Harkness, S. and Super, C.M. Child Development Theory in Anthropological Perspective. New Directions For Child Development: Anthropological Perspectives on Child Development, (eds.) Charles M. Super and Sara Harkness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 1980.

Harkness, S. and Super, C.M. The Cultural Construction of Child Development: A Framework for the Socialization of Affect. Ethos 11(4): 221-231, 1983.

Harlow, C.M. (Ed.). (1986). From learning to love: The selected papers of H.F. Harlow. New York: Praeger.

Harlow, H.F. (1974). Learning to love. New York: Jason Aronson.

Hart, D.V. From Pregnancy Through Birth In a Bisayan Filipino Village. Southeast Asian Birth Customs: Three Studies in Human Reproduction. New Haven: H.R.A.F. Press, 1965.

Hart, D.V., P.A. Rajadhon and R.J. Coughlin. Southeast Asian Birth Customs: Three Studies in Human Reproduction. New Haven: H.R.A.F. Press, 1965.

Hausfater, G. and S.B. Hrdy, (eds.) Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine, 1984.

Heggenhougen, H. K. Father And Childbirth: An Anthropological Perspective. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery 25(6): 21-25, 1980.

Hendrix, L. Economy and Child Training Reexamined. Ethos 13(3): 246-261, 1985.

Hern, W.M., "Knowledge and Use of Herbal Contraceptives in a Peruvian Amazon Village." Human Organization 35(1):9-19, 1976.

Herskovits, M. and Herskovits, F. Sibling Rivalry, the Oedipus Complex, and Myth. Journal of American Folklore 71: 1-15, 1958.

Hewlett, Barry S. Intimate Fathers: The Nature and Context of Aka Pygmy Paternal Infant Care. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991.

Hewlett, Barry S. Father-Child Relations: Cultural and Biosocial Contexts. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Hickey, G.C. Village in Vietnam. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964.

Hicks, D. Tetum Ghosts and Kin. California: Mayfield, 1976.

Hinde, R.A. (Ed.). (1983). Primate social relationships: An integrated approach. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Hogan, H.M. An Ethnography of Communication Among the Ashanti. Penn-Texas Working Papers in Sociolinguistics, No. 1. Austin, TX: University of Texas, 1968.

Hogbin, Ian, A Guadalcanal Society: The Kaoka Speakers. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1964.

Hogbin, Ian, The Island of Menstruating Men. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.

Holmberg, A.R. Nomads of the Long Bow. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, Institution of Social Anthropology, Publication No. 10, 1950.

Honzik, M.P. Values and Limitations of Infant Tests. Origins of Intelligence: Infancy and Early Childhood, (ed.) Michael Lewis. New York: Plenum Press, 1976.

Hostetler, J.A. Amish Children (2nd edition). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, "Sex-Biased Parental Investment Among Primates and Other Mammals: A Critical Evaluation of the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis." in Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions, Ed. by R.J. Gelles and J.B. Lancaster. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1987.

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